What is MEP® Tray
MEP® Tray is a pre-planted modular planting tray system that supports long-term plant sustainability with ease of maintenance. The system offers a quick solution to establish extensive green roofs.
MEP® Tray adopts a modular tray design, which is lightweight and robust. It has water storage compartments that passively assist irrigation requirements and is made from high-strength UV-stabilised polypropylene.
The self-contained MEP® Tray may be pre-planted in a nursery prior to installation to achieve instant greening of rooftops.
Each MEP® Tray, including accessories, saturated planting media, plants and stored water, weighs approximately 38 kg.
In the event that a layout modification is necessary, each MEP® Tray can be added, removed, or rearranged without disruptions to the green roof’s functionality.